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I reflected on this question recently. What is important – a job you like? the salary? the benefits?
Well yes, it is always nice to have good perks with a job and to definitely enjoy the work you do, but
my question is deeper than this. Are you really looked after? Does your company feel like a family
that would have your back if something happened, or are they another engine and you’re just a

We all have lives outside of work, but how do you manage that work life balance, when things
outside the office affect that balance. How do you cope? Who do you turn to? Do you worry that the
company you work for will show you the door as soon as your work starts to deplete or you start
missing more days or asking for more days than you may have?

There are a lot more stresses on us these days, social media one of the biggest ones, but company
pressure and what is expected from you while working there, is also another big one.

Twenty years ago, you were expected to work 9-5, but now there is pressure to be seen coming in
earlier or staying late. We worry that we are going to be judged, because we have kids or don’t have
kids. Where does that pressure stop and if it doesn’t, does the company you work for have your

Recently, I personally suffered three family bereavements within 6 months. With this comes a
number of emotions – shock and stress, to name a couple. Most of all, I was worried about my job.
We all have busy periods of work, and getting time off to be with family, make arrangements, etc.,
does hinder on your work.

I am very grateful to work with a company that puts their employees first. I am not a number, I am
supported. During the last 6 months, I was given the time off I needed without question. I was
supported by frequent calls and emails to make sure I was doing ok. My work was divvied out
amongst the wider team, and when I finally came back, there was continued check-ins and support.
For me, this is what I find important while working with a company, and why I am so grateful.

This year Duffy Alexander brought in an employee assistance program, which is free to all staff and is
there to support us whether it be for our health & wellbeing, stresses at work or at home, financial
issues, family and relationship issues. It is great to know, that I am supported by this great company,
as well as on a professional capacity.


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