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Why work for Duffy Alexander Recruitment? It’s simple… it’s not just people, it’s a whole support network who can see you for you. You are not just another number.

Still unsure? Follow me on my journey below and I know you too will get a feel for this amazing work family.

The Meeting

Where do I start, I guess I have to go back to late 2019 when I met Donovan Lock for the first time.  In the recruitment industry you meet new people all the time but once in a while you meet someone, and they make an impression. Donovan was one that stood out for me. He was very approachable, easy to talk to and really knew his industry.

The unknown road ahead

In early 2020, like many others out there, I was made redundant. To say I was devastated would be an understatement. I had only recently joined that company, and then suddenly as a result of Covid-19, there was nothing. It was a horrible feeling being made redundant and facing the unknown. What made it even worse was other factors happening around me beyond my control and not knowing if I would secure another job anytime soon.

Light at the end of the tunnel

I reached out to Donovan a few weeks after being made redundant, asking if there was anything out there that would suit my background and experience. He was honest and said he would inform me if an opportunity arose.

A few months later, Donovan got in touch and asked if I would be interested in interviewing for a role in his company. I must admit, I was hesitant, not to work for Duffy Alexander Recruitment, but because I had never worked in healthcare before. Most of my background was pharmaceutical, so I would have to start from the beginning again, in terms of gaining the knowledge and experience in healthcare.

We did an initial Skype call to catch up, but also for him to explain the role and the challenges it will have. I liked Donovan’s approach to our initial meeting, he was straight and up front with me, he didn’t sugar coat the role, didn’t try to sway me on salary and all the bonuses & perks. He told me of the challenges I would face with the role, the people I would meet, what work that was involved, what I would need to do to reach the level he wanted for me. It made sense and it gave me that push and encouragement I needed to try something different.

It really wasn’t just about my skills, knowledge, and preparation, it was about the fit. The fit that I was the right person for the job, with the right personality and right vision.

The New Beginning

Several weeks later I got the news that I was successful. I was delighted to be stepping onboard the DAR train and its new and exciting adventure. Even though we were in strange times, Donovan made me feel very welcome and even more so when we started working from home.

Why work for Duffy Alexander

So yes, why work for Duffy Alexander Recruitment, why move at all?? Let me tell you why!

DAR is very different from other companies I have worked for, and I really don’t say that lightly. I have never been so encouraged, supported, non-micromanaged in my entire career to date. Knowing someone has your back the entire time, having someone appreciate and actually acknowledge & thank you for hard work.

Donovan is the sort of manager that works out your skills and strengths, and developments them. He is very much a mentor and someone you can trust.

I am now in Duffy Alexander Recruitment for over 12 months and since then I have moved position, into an area I would have never taken the leap into, without someone encouraging & supporting me throughout my transition in the company.

I now have two direct reports reporting to me with more to come and a completely different view on career progression within a company. I can say I have never been happier in a company.

So, if you need that support and encouragement to move up, that refreshing feeling of a non-micromanaged environment, somewhere where you will get the results and appreciation you deserve and have a laugh reaching it, then Duffy Alexander Recruitment is for you.

Come join this epic adventure at DAR, I hope I see you soon!

Niamh O Sullivan – Compliance & Project Team Officer

If interested in joining the team – please apply directly to Donovan with your cv and a cover letter if interested to join the team:


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